Peter Farrow peter at farrows.org
Thu Jun 10 14:17:55 IST 2010

On 10/06/2010 12:41, Alex Broens wrote:
> On 2010-06-10 13:19, Peter Farrow wrote:
>>> how many users do you cater for? only regional mail?
>> 10,000++ of users, ranging from UK, to USA, Canada and Austrailia, 
>> several big clients in Oz, I also do email for Daimler Chrysler 
>> corporation, no problems with SORBs at all.
>> I use at MTA level, and its blowout if you're listed...
> guess it depends on how restirctive you can afford to be, and how much 
> potential support cases it may cause.
> I wouldn't dare...
> Alex
Thats the whole point, I get virtually no complaints and virtually no 
support work load arising from the use of such blacklists,  I handle it 
myself and its just me and one other part time person in my business.

Its no bother at all,  I can't even remember the last time I had to 
track down an email rejected at MTA level that was legitimate, its 
certainly not happened in 2010 yet....and my users don't get spam either!


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