Off Topic: Caching Bind Server Freezing

Randal, Phil prandal at
Fri Jan 29 10:30:52 GMT 2010

Scott Silva wrote:
> on 1-27-2010 12:02 PM Peter Farrow spake the following:
>> I have had this problem persistently on Centos 5.3 boxes running
>> MailScanner. 
>> Bind became such a problem on these machines I added several other
>> nameservers in resolve.conf. 
>> Bind daemon appears to be running but does not respond to service
>> stop command nor does answer any queries.
>> To stop it I find the process number kill -9 it and then restart with
>> the service command, it will then run for a random amount of time
>> from hours to weeks and then go again,
>> I think its a bug.
> I do believe a bind update came out with 5.4... weeks ago

Last Redhat/CentOS post-5.4 bind updates are

Changes in bind for Redhat/CentOS 5.4:

I've never had any problems with bind here (CentOS 5.4 x64).



Phil Randal | Networks Engineer
NHS Herefordshire & Herefordshire Council  | Deputy Chief Executive's
Office | I.C.T. Services Division Thorn Office Centre, Rotherwas,
Hereford, HR2 6JT Tel: 01432 260160
email: prandal at

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