[Fwd: Re: smf-sav & CentOS5]

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Tue Jan 19 23:55:04 GMT 2010

on 1-15-2010 12:42 PM Marc Lucke spake the following:
> I'll either try to work out what is wrong with smf-save on my 2x CentOS
> 5.4 boxes or I'll looking into Postfix :)  The smf-sav list is looking a
> little sad but my question wasn't only about if people here had it
> running or not, but also if anyone was running another solution other
> than milter-ahead which I don't want to pay for or smf-sav which I'm
> having some sort of problem with.
> I did see the exchange script stuff but I won't implement that.
> Postfix looks like the best solution to me!
> Thanks list, for your input and advice! :)
I'm currently using mimedefang for this, but it is a large tool for a small job.

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