Fix urgente MailScanner + Spamassassin

Alex Broens ms-list at
Fri Jan 1 15:18:27 GMT 2010

On 01/01/10 04:05, Alessandro Bianchi wrote:
> La data 2010 non viene rilevata correttamente da Spamassassin, quindi è 
> stato necessario eseguire una riconfigurazione dei server SMTP in attesa 
> del fix definitivo
> Saluti
> AB

Google translate said:

"The date 2010 is not detected correctly by SpamAssassin, so it was 
necessary to perform a reconfiguration of the SMTP server waiting for 
final fix"

in :

score FH_DATE_PAST_20XX 0.0

that should fix the problem / che dovrebbe risolvere il problema

that rule will be fixed/replaced but don't wait for it -
score to 0 asap.


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