Blackberry emails

Naz Snidanko nsnidanko at
Thu Aug 26 17:23:50 IST 2010

Hi Nick,

I implemented the following solution for BES:

1. added * to spam.whitelist.rules
2. added the following lines to content.scanning.rules:

# BES ETP.DAT files
From:	*				no
# BES ETP.DAT files
From:	*@*				no

This should not strip activation files. If you run file -I command
against them they show up as epplication, and are blocked by default.

If your users use Blackberry desktop software to redirect email to their
personal blackberries you would have to make it From and To.

Hope it helps,

Naz Snidanko
Desktop & Network Support
Harper Power Products Inc.
(p) 416 201- 7506
 nsnidanko at

Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 12:26:30 -0500
From: Nick Hudson <nick.hudson at>
Subject: Blackberry emails
To: mailscanner at
	<AANLkTikA8POnnW8SvtSEfJAAu8nhQ3BVZ-CF2G=N3V=e at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I know this has been discussed in past emails on the list.  I've looked
though all the old emails and tried all the solutions but nothing is
working.  This is a constant headache for me and I would like to get it
solved once and for all.

The ETP.DAT files are passing though without any problems, the issue is
the email shows up in my Inbox and I was under the impression that the
server should be processing the email to activate the Blackberry device.
saying that does Mailscanner convert the email in any way that would
it not to be read by the Exchange server and show up in my Inbox only?

Any help would be appreciated.


Nick Hudson
nick.hudson at

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