Getting spams via whitelisted domains

Mikael Syska mikael at
Wed Aug 25 08:49:36 IST 2010


On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Milind Patil
<Milind.Patil at> wrote:
> Hi
>                 We have recently implemented mailscanner with clamAV and
> sendmail we also have implemented the spam.whitelist.rules functionality.
> Recently we are getting some spam from the domains which have been marked in
> whitelist. How do we prevent this, one way is to add the mx server name of
> the domain which we want to whitelist instead of the domain name itself. But
> this solution involves keeping a track of the MX server changes for that
> domain.
>                 I think earlier also people must have faced this problem,
> but was not able to find any proper solution.
>                 Any suggestions.

>From the spam.whitelist.rules.sample file:
# If you are basing a blacklist on this then you can refer to
# a null (empty) sender address with "/^$/" as the address to match.
# This is where you can build a Spam WhiteList
# Addresses matching in here, with the value
# "yes" will never be marked as spam.
#From:          152.78.         yes
#From:          130.246.        yes
#From: yes # Note this is slower than using the IP
FromOrTo:       default         no

So if you know hostname, you can use the "host" option, or just
whitelist the whole hostname "domain.tld"


>                 Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Milind Patil
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