ClamAv 0.96 is out

Doc Schneider doc at
Sat Apr 3 17:47:51 IST 2010

Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Doc Schneider wrote on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 08:45:19 -0500:
>> I'e stopped my clamd service and started clamd --debug but it doesn't 
>> complain. Go figure. I think the ClamAV team might have changed some 
>> return codes with MailScanner is not seeing right. I know there was 
>> something on the clamav-users list about freshclam having some return 
>> codes changed.
> Perhaps this lstat() call is new?
> Kai

Nope lstat has been in there for a long time. Jules may have changed the 
way it works in the later versions? I spoke to someone using postfix and 
an older version of MailScanner and they aren't having this issue.
I'm running mine using the latest Beta with sendmail and smtpf. I'll try 
it with the latest stable to be sure it isn't something in the beta code 
causing this, I doubt it but never hurts to try.

Although I think it is a harmless error and clamd is still scanning.

Lincoln, NE.

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