documentation edit request

Robert Lopez rlopezcnm at
Tue Oct 20 16:13:48 IST 2009

On my system I have a file named

The file starts our stating:
"This directory is where you should put ruleset files, with filenames ending
in ".rules" wherever possible as it makes life easier for me."

 It would be more clear if "This directory" is replaced with something
specific identifying the specified directory.
In my case I have /etc/MailScanner/rules which I believe is "This directory".

In the section that begins with "2. The pattern describes ..." it
leaves me not knowing if I could do a rule with an absolute IP

Example for A single client IP address

From:        and   To:     network at  yes

(The above being a conceived rule for
/etc/MailScanner/rules/spam.whitelist.rules to allow EPT.DAT files to
not be blocked when they are being sent from the address of our
exchange server.)

Robert Lopez
Unix Systems Administrator
Central New Mexico Community College (CNM)
525 Buena Vista SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106

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