quarantine directory change

Gavin Silver GSilver at rampuptech.com
Thu Oct 15 17:28:25 IST 2009

whats the best way to move /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine directory  
on a running system to some subdirectory in /home/

my original partition setup on my relay was not designed for  
mailscanner and this "dev" box quickly became a production server  
because of the awesomeness of mailscanner

I currently have only 6GB avail in /var and over 200GB in /home

I assume this is more of a linux system question (im using ubuntu 8.04  

..maybe i can use symlinks and then not change any config files?

but of course i am asking because im sure there is a few ways to do it  
with some being a better choice for the long term (e.g. upgrading  

wondering if anyone has done similar

thanks in advance



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