Got a real nightmare on my hands installing the newest

Steve Campbell campbell at
Tue Oct 13 16:14:24 IST 2009

Julian Field wrote:
> On 13/10/2009 15:40, Steve Campbell wrote:
>> Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
>>> On Monday 12 October 2009 3:53:13 pm Steve Campbell wrote:
>>>>>> I just tried updating MS on a Centos 3 box.
>>>>>> Seems like a lot of the perl modules need
>>>>>> perl-5.8.1, while the latest perl for Centos
>>>>>> 3 is only 5.8.0-94, so a lot of stuff
>>>>>> failed, along with MS.
>>>>>> I started installing what was needed with
>>>>>> rpmbuild, but got into the dependency
>>>>>> circle, so I tried going back a to MS 4.72.
>>>>>> Now a lot of the modules were deleted by the
>>>>>> new stuff and I'm not sure that they weren't
>>>>>> just ignored in the 4.72 install.
>>>>>> Anyone got a suggestion for me who has done
>>>>>> the Centos 3 install?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> steve campbell
>>> I, too, am still using CentOS 3 as my mail server platform, and I, 
>>> too, ran into the problems you describe.  I'm running the same perl 
>>> version as you, as well.  IIRC, I updated all of the perl modules 
>>> that MS uses (from Dag repository), then installed MS from the RPM 
>>> itself.  It worked/is still working great.
>>> HTH.
>>> Dimitri
>> Dimitri,
>> How did you get around the Perl 5.8.1 dependency of some of the 
>> modules? Doesn't it still complain and fail even with the non-Dag 
>> stuff? I have the rpmforge repo on this system. Is Dag and rpmforge 
>> still the same? Think I'll try your way another day.
>> I got my system back by running an older version upgrade, then moving 
>> back to the version I started with. Seems that older versions didn't 
>> remove things, and if the new perl module failed, it could still work 
>> OK, but the newer install tends to remove things first. If that 
>> hadn't worked, I was going to do a restore of the entire server from 
>> last week. I'm still a little worried I might not have something 
>> that's not just right.
> You can do "./ --inturn" which will remove and then 
> reinstall each module in turn. You can do "./ --help" to get 
> all the command-line options.
> Jules

Thanks Julian,

I'm not sure which option is right for me after reviewing what is 
available. They all seem to be applicable either in whole or in part.


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