Mail delay at MailScanner

shyam hirurkar shyamph at
Fri May 15 04:54:46 IST 2009

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the inputs.

1. I checked the network connectivity --> Ping,telnet to port 25 --> getting
response properly .i.e time=0.118 ms in ping and telnet response is really
fast. --> This is from both ends
2. etc --> I meant is other than load or mailq like response from the smtp
service from remote end and reverse way, ping,telnet.
3. Check --> SA debug ,Mail Scanner Debug (Commands are understood)
4. Abnormal --> Meant unusual activity refer point 1,2,3

Let me know any further inputs required from my end. Hope some one may help
on this.

Thanks in advance


On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Alex Neuman <alex at> wrote:

> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 7:45 AM, shyam hirurkar <shyamph at> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> there is no problem in network since it is in private LAN. This is
>> happening more frequently now a days, Also I checked on the receiving server
>> i.e [] in the above case it s working fine. Also check the LOAD
>> ,mailq etc .. at that point of time nothing found abnormal.
> While I can't personally help you since I'm not using Postfix, I can
> contribute something from my experience. Statements like "there is no
> problem in network since it is in private LAN" can sometimes come back and
> bite you in the rear. You shouldn't assume anything "works" because "it
> looks like it's working" or "it shouldn't be a problem". Usually these
> assumptions make you waste time and resources while you find that the
> problem is where you were "sure it couldn't happen".
> Question everything. Even if it's documented - conditions might have
> changed in unpredictable ways, so you may have to verify every process -
> like playing hopscotch from point to point in whatever process you're
> troubleshooting, but from both ends. You checked load and mailq, but you
> could tell us what "etc." means; you could also describe what "check" means
> for you - as well as what "nothing found abnormal" means for you.
> Good luck!
>> Shyam
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> Alex Neuman van der Hans
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