Tiny image only spam [OT]

Alessandro Bianchi alex at skynet-srl.com
Sun May 10 17:37:42 IST 2009

In the last days I'm getting a lot of image only spam.

It contains no links and no text at all

The size of the image is different every time, and it advertizes 
pharmacy inviting users to visit funny sites with always different names 
like www.8654.org and similar.

I've palayed around spamassassin rules with some luck (somettimes I 
catch sometimes I don't).

Has anyone else seen something similar?

Any ideas about how to stop it?

Best regards and thanks

Alessandro Bianchi


*SkyNet SRL*

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confidenziali e ne é vietata la diffusione in qualunque forma.

Qualora Lei non fosse la persona a cui il presente messaggio é 
destinato, La invitiamo ad eliminarlo dandocene gentilmente comunicazione.

Per qualsiasi informazione in merito si prega di contattare 
info at skynet-srl.com <mailto:info at skynet-srl.com>. ( Rif. D.L. 196/200 )

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