Stop incoming mail if message queue exceeds set value

Alex Neuman alex at
Tue May 5 23:57:31 IST 2009

> milter-limit? this
> milter responses with a 451 xxxx when the amount of N emails in M time
> is reached, example when you have recieved 1000 emails in less than 5
> minutes sendmail starts answering with 451 (while the 5 minutes are
> not complete) so the traffic should go away to other box.
> You have to take into account some broken mailservers will treat this as
undeliverable and some others (broken in different ways) will take a long
time to retry using the next server. You should keep an eye out for the
possibility, even though it is remote.

Alex Neuman van der Hans
Reliant Technologies
+507 6781-9505
+507 202-1525
alex at
Skype: alexneuman
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