OT: latinamerican spam
Julian Field
MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue Mar 10 17:52:53 GMT 2009
On 10/3/09 15:10, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> You don't need to use MCP for this, so you are doing it just the right
> way. The people that use MCP for this most often simply don't know that
> adding extra ruels to SA is so easy. (Before anyone barks, yes, I know
> that there are good uses for MCP, but in general, if all you want to do is
> add extra, better spam detection you don't have to use MCP and even should
> not use MCP as it adds an extra scan.)
I second this, and agree with it entirely. MCP is almost always the
wrong answer to your problem.
The "actions" and in particular "SpamAssassin Rule Actions" had not
occurred to me when I wrote MCP. Had they done so, I would never have
written it. But if you do use MCP, don't worry: I am not going to do
anything stupid like remove it. :-)
Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
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