Too many attachments - Enhancement request

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Mar 4 23:14:57 GMT 2009

on 3-4-2009 2:46 PM Brad Beckenhauer spake the following:
> Kai Schaetzl wrote:
>> Brad Beckenhauer wrote on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 09:37:45 -0600:
>>> maillog.1:Mar 03 00:00:34 mxxx MailScanner[26495]: Too many
>>> attachments (221) in 382851CA8007.738AC
>>> At first I thought it was the "Maximum Attachments Per Message" in
>>> MailScanner.conf, but that was set to '200'.
>>> Maximum Attachments Per Message = 200
>> well, and that message contained 221 according to MailScanner.
>>> Also, how is the MailScannerCounter of 221 in the message log
>>> useful?  How is it used for debugging?
>> This is the number of attachments!
> Good to know..
>> You say it's only 40. Recheck and if it's still only 40 there might be
>> a bug in
>> the counter. But this "max unscanned" stuff has *nothing* to do with it.
>> Read the explanation in the .conf.
> Now I am suspicious about the counter.  I've looked at another email
> that was tagged as having "Too many attachments".   MailScanner reports
> it has (236).  I've released that attachment and counted the email myself.
> Lyris (the List Server) generates a summary email and Lyris reports that
> the email had 62 total email in the Digest.  Only two of the email in
> the digest had file attachments (a pdf and a gif).  The count is way
> short of the 236 count reported in the maillog and the 200 in
> MailScanner.conf.
> I've added myself the listserver and added a ruleset that Dennis
> suggested. By Friday, I'll have a couple of digests.
AFAIR mailscanner counts each mime part as an attachment because mime-tools
strips them that way before scanning.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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