Spam but no randomly no Spam Report

Gary Faith gafaith at
Fri Jun 26 05:08:10 IST 2009

Follow Up!  After doing more digging, I believe that I have found the common thread when the problem occurs.  The spamreport field only seems to be blank when isspam & isrblspam flags are set.  If issaspam and/or ishighspam are set then spamreport has data.
isspam    tinyint(1)            =1
ishighspam  tinyint(1)       =0
issaspam  tinyint(1)          =0
isrblspam  tinyint(1)         =1
spamwhitelisted  tinyint(1)    =0
spamblacklisted  tinyint(1)    =0
sascore  decimal(7,2)      some value
spamreport  text   {Empty}
I hope this helps shine light on my problem.  Any ideas why this is happening?


>>> "Gary Faith" <gafaith at> 6/25/2009 11:14 PM >>>
Running MailScanner 4.75.11 on SLES 10 SP2 X86_64.  When viewing the information via MailWatch, I see the following on the details page:
Spam: Y   Action(s): store, deliver, header, "X-Spam-Status:, Yes"
High Scoring Spam: N 
SpamAssassin Spam: N 
Listed in RBL: N 
Spam Whitelisted: N 
Spam Blacklisted: N 
SpamAssassin Autolearn: N 
SpamAssassin Score:1.66
The problem is Spam Report is blank.  This happens on a few seemingly random messages while most have something in the spamreport field.  I have verified this in the database that it definitely null.  Any reason why all the data except the spam report would be logged to mysql?  Could this be a spamassassin timeout problem?

Gary Faith
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