Need help with rule set - request for samples

Mark Sapiro mark at
Thu Jul 30 20:25:12 IST 2009

Mark Sapiro wrote:

>Julian Field wrote:
>>I currently do not have any messages which are detected by ClamAV or 
>>F-Prot as a piece of spam.
>>So I don't have any test data to develop against.
>>Please can you put preferably raw queue files up on an http server 
>>somewhere so I can download a few examples?
>I don't have any raw queue files, but I have raw message files in my
>quarantine. I have temporarily made copies of many message files
>accessable via <dead link removed>. You can start there
>and navigate to files such as
>dead link removed

There may have been a permission issue accessing the actual files. I am
"sure" I checked access, but I subsequently found a problem which is
now fixed.

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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