Need help with rule set - request for samples

Mark Sapiro mark at
Thu Jul 30 15:55:06 IST 2009

Julian Field wrote:
>I currently do not have any messages which are detected by ClamAV or 
>F-Prot as a piece of spam.
>So I don't have any test data to develop against.
>Please can you put preferably raw queue files up on an http server 
>somewhere so I can download a few examples?

I don't have any raw queue files, but I have raw message files in my
quarantine. I have temporarily made copies of many message files
accessable via <dead link removed>. You can start there
and navigate to files such as

dead links removed

(there 281, listed below)

I think every message.txt file you find there is one that hits one or
more of SaneSecurity or other spam rules.

In addition, the following files hit standard ClamAV virus rules

dead links removed

The full list of available messages is:

dead links removed

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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