debugging Spammassassin
Glenn Steen
glenn.steen at
Wed Jan 28 22:43:52 GMT 2009
2009/1/28 Ghetti, Ron <Ron.Ghetti at>:
> Thanks for the quick reply.
> -----Original Message-----
> ...
>> At Approx 10k messages per day.
>> Typical day totals
>> There were 10,767 Total messages Recieved.
>> There were 4,225 Messages Queued for delivery.
>> There were 4,328 Messages Delivered.
>> There were 6,143 messages marked as spam.
>> Lately though I'm finding the mail queue backed up with messages and
>> timeouts in the logs.
>> Here is some items from running a debug session:
>> 10:30:50 Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
>> /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Mail/ line 1088.
>> 10:30:50 Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
>> /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Mail/ line 1090.
>> 10:30:50 [16928] dbg: config: read_scoreonly_config: cannot open "":
> No
>> such file or directory
>> 10:31:57 [17013] dbg: rules: meta test DIGEST_MULTIPLE has undefined
>> dependency 'DCC_CHECK'
> LoadPlugin DCC in one of the pre files, perhaps....
>> Probably time for upgrades I imagine but I'd like to determine the
>> problem before
>> Throwing upgrades into the mix and possibly creating other issues.
>> Any thoughts ?
> Look at your Spam Lists setting in MailScanner, so that it doesn't
> contain any dead BLs (like ORDB:-)
> Look at spamasssassin separately, as the postfix user....
> su - postfix -s /bin/bash
> (you might need do "sudo -i" to get an interactive root shell first)
> spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 |less -e
> and perhaps spamassassin -D -t < /path/to/a/message
> This is really handy, thank you.
> The --debug-sa option of MailScanner should work too (always in
> conjunction with --debug), but I find ituseful to keep things separate
> from time to time.
> Things to look at:
> Bayes: that the bayes_seen file hasn't become too massive, that the
> expire runs complete (no expire files in the bayes directory...
> It was a fairly large file so deleted.
> Up the SA timeout value in MailScanner if you have them...
> Kicked up to 85 seconds, hopefully that is not too much.
> I can't imagine a batch taking that long... I did also increase the
> default max batch size to 50
Mine is at several hundred seconds (300 IIRC... or 600:-) ... It
affects all SA activites withinMailScanner, like bayes expiry (which
can run for some minutes, if there is a lot to do...). But when you up
the batch size from 30 to 50 you really go the wrong way here... It'll
make the batches take longer to complete, potentially. I'd revert that
change, if I were you;-).
> And perhaps consider moving to a cron'd force expire instead.
> Haven't really seen any issues with this, it expires once a night anyway
> So I'll probably look elsewhere for now.
> BL timeouts within SA.
> Corrupted SpamAssassin results cache (there should be a command
> analyse_SpamAssassin_cache ... or similar. I'm not near any MailScnner
> host ATM, and the memory isn't what it used to be... Anyway, find and
> run that... If it fails, you need scratch that DB (just remove the
> file)).
>> Thanks
>> -Ron
> Cheers
> -- Glenn
> Much appreciated Glenn, this at least gives me some places to look.
> The Boss wants to build a new server from scratch to try and solve the
> Problem. The thing is that it is very busy during the day when the
> Users are killing it but once they go home at 4:30 it vertually nothing
> all night.
> -Ron
Never pass up a good chance to lay your hands on some better iron:-):-).
-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se
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