Simon Jones
simonmjones at
Fri Jan 23 14:48:23 GMT 2009
2009/1/23 Gareth <list-mailscanner at>:
> On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 12:39, Simon Jones wrote:
>> ok thanks mate, I'm doing an update now - see if that sorts it. has
>> anyone else noticed a shed load more spam recently? my gateway's are
>> running full bore right now, they've been stable for month but the
>> last couple o days has seen stacked hold queues and slow-ups which I
>> can only really put down to sheer volume of spam being processed.
> I haven't seen any noticeable rise however the new large botnet which
> has got some mainstream news coverage recently could well be increasing
> the amount of spam being sent out.
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mm, could be that I guess but these servers are pretty powerful with
15k rpm sas drives so they should be able to handle a bunch of stuff.
the primary is currently so slow it's failing to answer incoming smtp
connections intermittantly but there's nothing in the hold queue!
usually when I've had this trouble the hold queue is stuffed and the
server can't cope with the volume. there's something different going
on with this now, not sure what yet though - apart from it being
REALLY slow.
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