Releases messages from quarantine rejoin quarantine

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Sat Feb 28 16:58:19 GMT 2009

2009/2/27 Scott Silva <ssilva at>:
> on 2-27-2009 9:15 AM Jason Voorhees spake the following:
>> Hi:
>> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Glenn Steen <glenn.steen at> wrote:
>>> 2009/2/27 Jason Voorhees <jvoorhees1 at>:
>>>> Hi people:
>>>> I'm using MailScanner and MailWatch. Everything is OK, spam messages
>>>> are going to quarantine. But when I try to release a message from
>>>> quarantine (a false positive) the message joins again the quarantine.
>>>> Mailwatch shows me that the message now is coming from
>>>> postmaster at to original-recipient at
>>>> I'm using the QUARANTINE_USE_SENDMAIL (true) setting in conf.php of
>>>> Mailwatch configuration, so I think MailScanner see these released
>>>> messages coming from their original sender and IP address but doesn't
>>>> understand that is coming from localhost (trough sendmail binary).
>>>> What exception rule can I create to always allow quarantine released
>>>> message to pass? I tried adding a from to
>>>> whitelist setting but it doesn't work... because of the sendmail
>>>> binary way of releasing.
>>>> Could someone give any ideas? Thanks, bye
>>> Whitelist
>> I also did this, it doesn't work... because I think that the message
>> isn't originated from, the original message is requeued
>> using sendmail so headers aren't modified.
>> Am I wrong maybe?
> Whitelisting doesn't stop content checks, just spam checks. See my other post
> on how to get this working.
CC. "Whitelist" doesn't necessarily mean "Spam Whitelist". I've got a
separate ruleset for each type of thing that can happen to block
things, and a ruleset on Scan Message to facilitate easy releasing...
I suppose your "other mail" was along those lines Scott?

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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