Releases messages from quarantine rejoin quarantine

Scott Silva ssilva at
Fri Feb 27 18:56:16 GMT 2009

on 2-27-2009 9:15 AM Jason Voorhees spake the following:
> Hi:
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Glenn Steen <glenn.steen at> wrote:
>> 2009/2/27 Jason Voorhees <jvoorhees1 at>:
>>> Hi people:
>>> I'm using MailScanner and MailWatch. Everything is OK, spam messages
>>> are going to quarantine. But when I try to release a message from
>>> quarantine (a false positive) the message joins again the quarantine.
>>> Mailwatch shows me that the message now is coming from
>>> postmaster at to original-recipient at
>>> I'm using the QUARANTINE_USE_SENDMAIL (true) setting in conf.php of
>>> Mailwatch configuration, so I think MailScanner see these released
>>> messages coming from their original sender and IP address but doesn't
>>> understand that is coming from localhost (trough sendmail binary).
>>> What exception rule can I create to always allow quarantine released
>>> message to pass? I tried adding a from to
>>> whitelist setting but it doesn't work... because of the sendmail
>>> binary way of releasing.
>>> Could someone give any ideas? Thanks, bye
>> Whitelist
> I also did this, it doesn't work... because I think that the message
> isn't originated from, the original message is requeued
> using sendmail so headers aren't modified.
> Am I wrong maybe?
Whitelisting doesn't stop content checks, just spam checks. See my other post
on how to get this working.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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