Kind of OT: guess what I found!

Scott Silva ssilva at
Sat Feb 21 00:43:24 GMT 2009

on 2-20-2009 8:17 AM Doc Schneider spake the following:
> Julian Field wrote:
>> I was hunting around looking for some old sendmail mc files I wrote
>> many years ago. They appear to have been lost long ago, but look what
>> I found instead!
>> MailScanner version 1, even before it had the name MailScanner. It's a
>> grand total of 1,035 lines of Perl code, which is 20% smaller than the
>> previous oldest version I had found.
>> Anyway, for the archives, it is attached. Now you can see quite how
>> ropey some of my old code was back in May 2000 when all this got
>> started one long lunchtime.
>> Jules
> Amazing what 9 years worth of work get you, eh?
For some reason Julian's posts are not making it to the gmane archive. Jules,
are you setting an x-no-archive header or something?

I guess I won't see his response.... That's kind of a paradox!

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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