selecting message that should go into MailScanner
Glenn Steen
glenn.steen at
Tue Feb 17 08:22:29 GMT 2009
2009/2/12 Scott Silva <ssilva at>:
> on 2-12-2009 5:53 AM Glenn Steen spake the following:
>> 2009/2/12 Kai Schaetzl <maillists at>:
>>> You did notice that he already fiddled with that and it didn't work for
>>> him? Why fiddle at all with this if you can skip scanning in MS very
>> No, I missed that...:). Am in a state of chock, since my employer
>> decided to lay off 1/3 of all employees... not me though.
> Sometimes being "left behind" is just as bad. Now your remaining work force
> has to do the work of those 1/3, but not get any more money!
Yeah... and we need move to smaller facilities, since these offices
are way to roomy. == more work... of the "manual labour" variant.
Oh well. I guess I just have to get over it and get back to it all:).
Cheers and thanks for the thought!
>> Just doing the mailing list thing to have something to focus on other
>> than the situation at hand. Sigh.
>>> easily and still retain all the benefits (like seeing it in Mailwatch)? I
>>> don't see doing it in Postfix as a good way.
>> No argument. But letting PF do the thing would be quite workable
>> too... The normal "just one way more":-)
>>> Kai
>> Cheers
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-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se
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