Email Address allowed delivery from single domain

Edward Dam damfam at
Tue Dec 8 17:50:53 GMT 2009

Hi all,

I hope you can help. We're running Mailscanner and it's working great. What
I need to do now is create a rule that allows a specific user delivery of
email from a single domain only.

For example:

user1 at should only be allowed incoming email from  *

However all other users at should receive all email as they
normally would. Basically we need to restrict email for a specific user to a
single incoming domain.

Based on the documentation I have read, I am pretty sure that this can
should be able to be done with a Custom Function and a perl script, but I am
unsure as to how to call the perl script (and what roughly it would look
like, as my perl scripting is less than stellar)

If anyone could point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated!


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