Configuration suggestion...

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at
Mon Aug 10 19:21:03 IST 2009

What I think he means to ask is if there could be something like:

@include /etc/MailScanner/

Where could have site-specific rules. That way, the  
"global" /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf could have a certain set of  
values (which would work with your existing upgrade_MailScanner_conf  
as-is), but then some very site-specific (as opposed to, say,  
corporate-specific) settings could be "include"d - sort of like some  
programs already work.

Asterisk is one project where, for example, there are a lot of  
defaults and, depending on context, things can be "include"d. If there  
is an upgrade to MS, upgrade_MailScanner_conf can take care of new  
parameters while keeping old ones in the "main" conf file. Creating a  
"new" instance of MailScanner for the same "corporation" but for a  
different "site" would only require a "site-specific" conf file to be  

Another way I've seen it done is where the "site-specific" file is the  
"main" file - and it "includes" a global-settings file that's  

On Aug 10, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Jules Field wrote:

> I don't quite see what that would achieve that the  
> upgrade_MailScanner_conf doesn't.
> I don't entirely understand your point, sorry.

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