Anyone have any experience with Avast AV?

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Apr 29 22:58:26 IST 2009

on 4-29-2009 1:27 PM Dave Jones spake the following:
> Anyone have any experience with Avast?  The pricing is much, much
> cheaper than other commercial AV scanners so I wanted to make sure it
> was good before I pursue switching to it.  It is not priced by the
> mailbox so you can get a 3 year license for a pair of MailScanner
> servers for roughly $8,000.  This would only cover about 4 months of
> our current commercial AV license for 8K mailboxes.
You could check if your desktop licensing entitles you to a commandline
scanner for free. McAfee does, and I think symantec might. Maybe some others
do also.

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