help with understanding line in log

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Mon Apr 20 22:24:56 IST 2009

PSI Mailbag wrote:
>> I was wondering if the following meant that the email and
>> attachment( got blocked or not.
>>  Banned Filename Report: (Total Seen = )
>>      Password-protected archive ( 1 Time(s)
> Based on the fact that this is a "banned filename report", the
> attachment should have been removed. However, you can search your logs
> for the message ID from the report and you'll be able to tell for sure.
> Typically the relevant log entry is along the lines of "Cleaned:
> Delivered # cleaned messages", which will be recorded immediately after
> your re-queued message entry. This will tell you if the message was
> delivered, if the attachment was removed, or if nothing was done.
> Cheers,
> -Joshua
Thanks for the help

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