MailScanner, CentOS 5 and perl-IO & perl-File-Temp

Mark Sapiro mark at
Mon Apr 13 18:31:39 IST 2009

Julian Field wrote:
>I'm nearly there :) This is taking a hell of a lot of work on the 
>installer, but will solve all the upgrade problems once and for all. 
>There are interesting things like the fact that RedHat got the module 
>path @INC totally wrong in their release of Perl in RHEL 5, with the 
>result that a lot of modules simply cannot be over-ridden without doing 
>a "forced" install of files to overwrite stuff in their RPM, unless of 
>course you mess with @INC at the start of your Perl program (which is 
>what I have done) so that the vendor and site-specific directories 
>actually get consulted before the core Perl system directories.

It appears this may no longer be the case with the RedHat rpm. I just
did a yum upgrade to perl.i386 4:5.8.8-18.el5_3.1, and I get

[mark at sbh16 ~]$ perl -e 'foreach $d ( @INC ) {print $d . "\n";}'

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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