Problem installing new version of Sophos

Howard Robinson Howard at
Wed Apr 1 12:54:21 IST 2009

Dear all,
I have had a look at the archives and can see only one problem with Sophos install in the last 7 or 8 months.
That recommended using Sophos 6 and running /usr/sbin/Sophos.install 

I tried this and got the following errors.
[root at mailscannerserver tmp]tar xzf sav-linux-6-i386.tgz
[root at mailscannerserver tmp]# cd sophos-av/
[root at mailscannerserver sophos-av]# /usr/sbin/Sophos.install

If you are trying to install Sophos version 5,
then please expand the tar file with a command like
    tar xzf sav-linux-5-i386.tgz
    cd sophos-av
Then run me again!

Press return to continue, or Ctrl-C to escape.

Clearing out old default Sophos installation libraries
Installing Sophos for MailScanner
Invalid command-line option: -v
Invalid command-line option: -d
Invalid command-line option: -s
Invalid command-line option: -ni Install Sophos Anti-Virus
  --help                             Display this help information
  --automatic                        Perform an automatic installation, using
                                       default or command-line options
  --acceptlicence                    Automatically accept the licence
  --autostart[=False]                Start the Sophos Anti-Virus daemons
                                       after the installation [Do not start
  --enableOnBoot[=False]             Start the Sophos Anti-Virus daemons
                                       on system boot [Do not start them]
  --ignore-existing-installation     Ignore any existing installation
  --SavWebUsername=USERNAME          Username for accessing Sophos Anti-Virus GUI
  --SavWebPassword=PASSWORD          Password for accessing Sophos Anti-Virus GUI
  --update-source-type=TYPE          Set the type of updates:
                                       TYPE=s Direct from Sophos
                                       TYPE=o From your own server
                                       TYPE=n Disable auto-updating
  --update-source-path=ADDRESS       Enable auto-updating from specified
  --update-source-username=USERNAME  Username for accessing update source
  --update-source-password=PASSWORD  Password for accessing update source
  --update-vendors=VENDORS-LIST      Comma-separated list of additional
                                       distributions (redhat, suse, turbo)
                                       that auto-update must support
  --update-cache-path=DIRECTORY      Directory for local update cache
  --update-period=HOURS              Update interval in hours
  --update-group=NAME                Name for this configuration
  --update-proxy-address=URL         Address for HTTP proxy
Creating links so Perl-SAVI module compiles

Fetching latest IDE virus identities from 
Could not calculate Sophos version number,  at /usr/lib/MailScanner/sophos-autoupdate line 152.

Any help appreciated on this.
>>> On 01/04/2009 at 09:46, "Howard Robinson" <Howard at> wrote:
| Hello
| I am trying to install the latest Sophos.
| I am using the same method I have used for a few years and not had problems 
| until this time.
| (I know MailScanner needs updating as it's a year or so old - it's on  a long 
| list of jobs to do!) 
| I have downloaded the file to /tmp and run 
| /usr/sbin/Sophos.install
| I get the following out put.
| [root at server tmp]# /usr/sbin/Sophos.install
| If you are trying to install Sophos version 5,
| then please expand the tar file with a command like
|     tar xzf sav-linux-5-i386.tgz
|     cd sophos-av
| Then run me again!
| Press return to continue, or Ctrl-C to escape.
| Clearing out old default Sophos installation libraries
| Uncompressing Sophos distribution
| Clearing out unpacked distribution
| Unpacking distribution
| Installing Sophos for MailScanner
| Sophos Anti-Virus installation utility [Linux/Intel]
| Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Sophos Plc, Oxford, England. All rights reserved.
| Error: This is the wrong version of Sophos Anti-Virus for your version of
|        Linux. Use the Linux on Intel (using libc6) (glibc2.2 and above) 
| version
| Creating links so Perl-SAVI module compiles
| Fetching latest IDE virus identities from 
| Could not calculate Sophos version number,  at 
| /usr/lib/MailScanner/sophos-autoupdate line 152.
| Done.
| [root at server tmp]# /
| It is the right version according to the note I have done on previous 
| updates - I tried the glibc version to check and that failed with the same 
| error!
| Any Pointers on this?
| I'll have a trawl on the web now but thought someone might be able to point 
| me directly to the correction of problem.
| Thanks.


Howard Robinson,
(Senior Technical Development Officer),
Harper Adams University College,
Shropshire ,
TF10 8NB.

Tel. Direct 01952 815253
Tel. Switch Board 01952 820280
Fax 01952 814783
Email hrobinson at 

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