Problem with mailscanner form out of nowhere

Jonas Akrouh Larsen jonas at
Sun Sep 28 20:08:22 IST 2008

Hi List


1 of my scanners starting having issues over the weekend.


After having stopped it and run a -debug on it it reports the following:


scanner0:/etc/init.d# /opt/MailScanner/bin/MailScanner --debug

In Debugging mode, not forking...

Trying to setlogsock(unix)

SpamAssassin temp dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp

Building a message batch to scan...

Have a batch of 15 messages.

Modification of a read-only value attempted at
/opt/MailScanner/lib/MailScanner/ line 117, <GEN76> line 110.


And then it just quits.


I have not upgraded anything on the system recently and haven't had any


The only thing I could find was an old mention of a similar perl error on
the list which seemed to sugest it had something to do with "bad" mails in
the queue.



Do anybody have any idea what might be going on?


Desperately seeking advice


Jonas A. Larsen



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