Multiple confusions on my part.

Scott Silva ssilva at
Fri Sep 26 23:43:10 IST 2008

on 9-26-2008 1:35 PM Steve Campbell spake the following:
> Scott Silva wrote:
>> on 9-26-2008 9:21 AM Steve Campbell spake the following:
>>> Thanks Martin and Julian;
>>> I'm still seeing the DNSBL-A, junk in the debug output, but I can 
>>> keep digging for that.
>>> I never knew where all those DNSBL checks came from, so that was a 
>>> big help Martin.
>>> The new init script seem to work. I tried stopping, starting, 
>>> reloading and anything else I could think of and the only problem I 
>>> found was that when I did a stop, my phone rang! :-)
>> We all get that darn telephone ringing bug (feature?). I also get it 
>> when I *don't* run MailScanner stop.
> I have a problem going on where one person is getting too much spam, and 
> the person sitting beside them argues for more. An easy fix, though. But 
> then the next week, the same two argue for the exact opposite.
I had a user complain that I didn't do anything and they got too much spam... 
So I gave them *ALL* of it. For the whole company. Even high scoring stuff. 
They never complained again!  ;-P

Member in good standing of the BOFH West Coast chapter, US division

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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