Dspam and MailScanner

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at rtpty.com
Thu Sep 25 15:59:53 IST 2008

How about giving a step by step of what you did? That way those of us  
who haven't tried it can, and those who have might make suggestions...  
Remember to include things like os, mta, etc. - if it's too long you  
can use the wiki or pastebin.


Alex Neuman
Reliant Technologies
+507 6781-9505
Skype: alexneuman

On Sep 25, 2008, at 10:44 AM, "Mohammed Alli" <malli at mcrirents.com>  

> Guys,
> I’ve gotten Dspam working with my MailScanner setup on Ubuntu.  I ca 
> n see both MailScanner and Dspam headers added to my messages.  Dspa 
> m is tagging missed messages as **SPAM**, per my setup.  I just don’ 
> t know how to combine the 2 scores.  I tried the Spamassassin perl m 
> odule for Dspam, but it doesn’t work either and requires Amavisd-new 
>  to combine the scores.
> I tried Dspam as a GenericSpamScanner, but I couldn’t tell if it was 
>  working as I didn’t see anything in the mail.log.
> Any suggestions?
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