
Dave Filchak submit at zuka.net
Wed Sep 3 15:44:10 IST 2008

Folks ... I have been trying to whitelist a particular newsletter that 
we send out on behalf of a client of ours and have had no luck. It 
always comes back with the following subject: [Lifeskills_News] {Spam?} 
September 2008 Update. Mailman is hosted on my secondary mail server so 
the original post is sent to my main mail server and then is aliased 
over to my secondary mail server and on to Mailman. My client, 
understandably, is getting upset with seeing the {Spam} in the subject. 
The message is HTML but is not getting tagged as spam by my main mail 
server, but rather, by my secondary. I have the following rules in my 
rules file on the secondary:

# This is where you can build a Spam WhiteList
# Addresses matching in here, with the value
# "yes" will never be marked as spam.
#From:        152.78.        yes
#From:        130.246.    yes
From:    yes
From:    yes
From:    yes
From:    yes
From:    gateway.zuka.net    yes
From:    ywca_lifeskills at zuka.net    yes
From:    dave.filchak at zuka.net    yes
From:    ywca_lifeskills at ebony.zuka.net    yes
From:    ywca_lifeskills-bounces at ebony.zuka.net    yes
From:    ywca_lifeskills-bounces at zuka.net    yes
From:    zuka-test-list-bounces at ebony.zuka.net    yes
From:    zuka-test-list-bounces at zuka.net    yes
From:    zuka-test-list at zuka.net    yes
From:    adcam-announce-bounces at canadacannes.com    yes
From:    adcam-announce-bounces*@canadacannes.com    yes
From:    screenings at canadacannes.com    yes
To:    adcam-announce at ebony.zuka.net    yes
To:    adcam-announce at canadacannes.com    yes
From:    cassies-bounces at ebony.zuka.net    yes
From:    cassies at ebony.zuka.net    yes
From:    ywca_lifeskills-announce at ebony.zuka.net    yes
FromOrTo:    default        no

and, here are the headers from the post marked as spam:

Return-Path: <ywca_lifeskills-bounces at zuka.net>
X-Original-To: submit at zuka.net
Delivered-To: submit at zuka.net
Received: from ebony.zuka.net (ebony.zuka.net [])
	(using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits))
	(No client certificate requested)
	by rosewood.zuka.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 01384470A94;
	Wed,  3 Sep 2008 09:45:18 -0400 (EDT)
X-Zuka-EB-MailScanner-Watermark: 1221051769.71856 at Ued5x65pwLRORwVpfRoacw
Received: from ebony.zuka.net (localhost [])
	by ebony.zuka.net (8.13.1/8.13.1) with ESMTP id m83CrpcE005374;
	Wed, 3 Sep 2008 09:01:47 -0400
X-Zuka-EB-MailScanner-Watermark: 1221051168.75288 at 3Ig5iVRkJ+lVuC0yg587qA
Received: from rosewood.zuka.net (ns2.zuka.net [])
	by ebony.zuka.net (8.13.1/8.13.1) with ESMTP id m83CqiT1005355
	for <ywca_lifeskills at ebony.zuka.net>; Wed, 3 Sep 2008 08:52:46 -0400
Received: from Magnolia.local (lan.zuka.net [])
	(using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits))
	(No client certificate requested)
	(Authenticated sender: dave.filchak at zuka.net)
	by rosewood.zuka.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id DE679470A4B
	for <ywca_lifeskills at zuka.net>; Wed,  3 Sep 2008 08:51:28 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <48BE8889.3070809 at zuka.net>
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2008 08:52:25 -0400
Organization: Zuka Inc.
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080707)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: ywca_lifeskills at zuka.net
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-zuka.net-rw-MailScanner: Not scanned: please contact your Internet E-Mail
	Service Provider for details, Not scanned: please contact your Internet E-Mail Service Provider for details
X-zuka.net-rw-MailScanner-SpamCheck: not spam (whitelisted),
	SpamAssassin (not cached, score=3.581, required 5, ALL_TRUSTED -1.44,
	SARE_HEAD_HDR_APPROV 0.82), not spam, SpamAssassin (not cached,
	score=0.808, required 5, HTML_MESSAGE 0.00,
X-Zuka-EB-MailScanner-Information: Please contact the ISP for more information
X-Zuka-MailScanner-ID: m83CqiT1005355
X-Zuka-EB-MailScanner: Found to be clean
X-Zuka-EB-MailScanner-SpamCheck: spam, SpamAssassin (not cached, score=7.575, 
	required 5, BAYES_50 0.00, HEADER_SPAM 3.40,
	SARE_UNI 0.59)
X-Zuka-EB-MailScanner-SpamScore: sssssss
X-Zuka-EB-MailScanner-From: dave.filchak at zuka.net
From: "YWCA Lifeskills: Training, Coaching,
	Publications" <ywca_lifeskills at zuka.net>
Subject: [Lifeskills_News] {Spam?} September 2008 Update
X-BeenThere: ywca_lifeskills at zuka.net
X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.6
Precedence: list
Reply-To: lifeskills at ywcatoronto.org
List-Id: "YWCA Lifeskills: Training, Coaching,
	Publications" <ywca_lifeskills.zuka.net>
List-Unsubscribe: <http://ebony.zuka.net/mailman/listinfo/ywca_lifeskills>,
	<mailto:ywca_lifeskills-request at zuka.net?subject=unsubscribe>
List-Archive: <http://ebony.zuka.net/pipermail/ywca_lifeskills>
List-Help: <mailto:ywca_lifeskills-request at zuka.net?subject=help>
List-Subscribe: <http://ebony.zuka.net/mailman/listinfo/ywca_lifeskills>,
	<mailto:ywca_lifeskills-request at zuka.net?subject=subscribe>
Sender: ywca_lifeskills-bounces at zuka.net
Errors-To: ywca_lifeskills-bounces at zuka.net
X-zuka.net-rw-MailScanner-Information: Please contact the ISP for more information
X-RWMailScanner-From: ywca_lifeskills-bounces at zuka.net

The domain in question is ywcatoronto.org. It should be noted that I 
have set up the mail server zuka-test-list and send the same post to 
that and it does not get tagged as spam ... yet, when sending the post 
to the actual list, it does. I have the same rules for this test mail 
list as I do for the real list. Also note, that when I send this same 
email post to the test list, not only do the headers so the poster as 
being whitelisted on the main mail server, but also on the secondary. 
Not so when I send the post to the real list. I am sure I am missing 
something obvious.

An help will be much appreciated.



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