MailScanner Watermark Plugin For Microsoft Exchange 2007

Scott Silva ssilva at
Tue Sep 2 16:20:07 IST 2008

on 8-29-2008 11:02 AM Kevin Miller spake the following:
> Scott Silva wrote:
>> I am surprised at how much mail I still see sent from Exchange 6.5!
>> Isn't that from back in the NT 4.0 days?
> That would be 5.5 I think.  But there's still some of those around.  6.5
> is Exchange 2003.  Between them was Exchange 2000, presumably 6.0.  I
> wonder why Microsoft counts in fives?
> ...Kevin
Maybe they have got their fingers caught in the cookie jar so many times that 
they can only use their thumbs to count!  ;-P

But thanks for the info.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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