dirty problem with clamscan 0.94

Milos Wimmer wimmer at zcu.cz
Wed Oct 1 20:01:33 IST 2008


I'm using MailScanner in conjunction with ClamAV clamscan antivirus 
engine. I found problem after upgrade ClamAV to version 0.94.
All looked fine (no warnings in log files), but clamscan did not scan any 
file inside MailScanner.

I found problem is caused by change of clamscan-0.94 options :-(

Previous versions support options --unzip, --jar, --tar, --max-ratio and 
other while clamscan-0.94 does not.
When you run "clamscan --unzip file" from command line, it writes:
clamscan: unrecognized option `--unzip'
ERROR: Unknown option passed.
ERROR: Can't parse the command line

and file does not check.

MailScanner set these options inside of wrapper/clamav-wrapper file
in ExtraScanOptions parametr.
Similar thing is in SweepViruses.pm file for --unrar option.

When I comment out setting of all these options, clamscan works inside 
MailScanner again nice.

Please look at this problem - people using clamscan think they are safe, 
but they are not now. Clamscan-0.94 does not check anything inside 

Best regards,


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