Big drop in SPAM volume?

Scott Silva ssilva at
Mon Nov 24 20:55:05 GMT 2008

on 11-24-2008 1:56 AM Ronny T. Lampert spake the following:
>> Hi,
>> Is anybody else seeing a big drop off in SPAM volume over the last
>> week or so? or is it just me?
> I'm down to "more normal levels" on
> - total connections
> - RBL blocks (= 50% of total connections for last 3 hours)
> - "is spam" by MS (down by about 20%).
> No way in hell we should allow McColo to go live again.
> But then again it's only Monday morning so spammers might wake up later...
> Cheers.
Trouble is, there seems to be other ways to get a block back up, even if for
only a short time. If they manage to do this, the bots will get new code and
come back. What is needed is for someone in power to take this block for a few
weeks and log all systems that try and get instructions, and trace them back
through the ISP. Then the ISP needs to inform those users they are infected.
But it won't happen since someone will have to foot the bill.

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