Message rules don't work, but if message forwarded, it does???

Chris Barber cbarber at
Fri Nov 21 06:37:07 GMT 2008

>The HTML encoding seems different between messages. This might be why it gets caught the second time around.
>Also, the message you mark as missed has a RFC private IP address in it
>(Received: from [] (unknown [])) , but the one you marked as forwarded doesn't. Could they be mixed up?
>Never mind. They are mixed up because the one marked missed has a Fwd:
>prepended to the subject.
>The missed message is encoded with "quoted-printable" in the html section, but Thunderbird looks to be re-encoding it on the forward. Maybe you >have a problem with your mime-tools module on the server.

Oops, you are right I mixed up the folders. I am using MIME::Tools version 5.427. I think this was installed by Julian's script. Is there a way to test/debug this module?

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