no spam score on may messages

Raymond Norton admin at
Wed May 21 19:01:49 IST 2008

> Spamassassin is timing out, so the message is getting passed through. Have you tried the usuall like spamassassin -D --lint >and MailScanner --lint ? 

OK.. Found an issue with the incoming directory (recreated it), and an issue with the envelope header in /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf. Now things are working much better, but I am seeing some spam messages scored like this: 

cached 	not 	

3 	required 	
spam 	autolearn=not 	
-9.00 	BAYES_00 	Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1% 
That's a huge pass. Does it mean Bayes is not working correctly, or do I need to adjust some rules? 
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