Mailscanner and Exim - Spool File Return Code problems.

Chris Russell Chris.Russell at
Thu May 8 16:31:26 IST 2008

Hi All,
 Probably one for Julian, as right now its a "from the top of your head"
 When using Exim, and have store and queue files=yes. Does Mailscanner
copy the original spool file, or read it in, then recreate the outbound
queue file ?
 I have an odd issue. This only seems to affect HTML email, mostly from
mailing lists/groups and with long from addresses (ie:
xdkdddddddddd_ddsfsdfsdfsdfsfdsdfsdf at etc.
 Basically, these will be passed by MailScanner, however will not be
sent.  The reason for this is exim doesn't sanity check for \r\n at the
end of the -D spool file when sending, it basically throws this out via
remote smtp. If there is no \r\n at the end of the file, the period on a
line by itself never happens.
 When I look at the spool file (-D),  the end line is the end of the
HTML and no \r\n is present.
 Just wondering if this is a potential bug ? Mailscanner version is a
little behind 4.66.5 however I can't see anything for exim in the recent
change logs. Other HTML email goes through fine, the only commonality I
can find is long sender addresses, but no idea why this would affect the
creation of the spool file.
 Julian, any potential thoughts ?
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