Razor via RPM?

shuttlebox shuttlebox at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 17:22:52 GMT 2008

On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 5:39 PM, Julian Field
<MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
>  Just adding 2 modules to the MailScanner distribution sounds like a very
>  quick hack to solve the problem. But would people prefer an RPM-based
>  installation of the ClamAV+SpamAssassin installation anyway? I have a
>  feeling it might cause more problems than it solves, as any perl upgrade
>  would be even more complicated that it is now due to all the clashing
>  modules that have to be removed and reinstalled.
>  What are anyone's thoughts?

I think it's great that you go to such great lengths to support the
community, you go far beyond the core MailScanner product and support
it more like a complete system. However, I think the demands will just
keep rising and a lots of time will be spent packaging for diverging

There might come a time when it's infeasible for you to do all these
"extra layers" of work besides core MailScanner development and
support. Most other software projects only support the source and link
to external projects packaging it in different ways on different
platform, Clam and SpamAssassin comes to mind. If the need is there,
the community should/will pick it up. You have spoiled us silly Julian
by doing it yourself! :-)

In my opinion the only official thing should be the tar ball of
MailScanner, everything else should be links to external packaging
efforts. If the need is greater still there's FSL.


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