BAYES_00 is killing me

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at
Mon Jun 16 16:11:41 IST 2008

Devon Harding a écrit :
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 10:03 AM, Devon Harding 
> <devonharding at <mailto:devonharding at>> wrote:
>         Devon Harding wrote:
>         | I'm getting alot of spam coming through and it seems like
>         the cause of
>         | this is BAYES_00 scoring messages with -2.60.  I'm running
>         MS 4.68.8
>         | with SA *Le Service des Technologies de l'Information de
>         l'UdeS veut vous mettre en garde contre "3.2.4" qui semble
>         être une tentative de fraude envers* 3.2.4. <http://3.2.4.>
>         <*Le Service des Technologies de l'Information de l'UdeS veut
>         vous mettre en garde contre "3.2.4" qui semble être une
>         tentative de fraude envers* http://3.2.4.>  I've already
>         trained hundreds of
>         | messages like these as spam and it doesn't seem to work.
>          What else can
>         | I do?
>         My guess is that you are training the wrong database. You
>         train another
>         database and not the one you are using with MailScanner.
>         Hugo.
>     For MS, where is the Bayes DB path specified?  My DB is located here:
>     /etc/MailScanner/.spamassassin
> I think my BAYES is  all messed up.  How do I rebuild it from scratch?

Look here for a starter kit:


  °v°   Denis Beauchemin, analyste
 /(_)\  Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
  ^ ^   T: 819.821.8000x62252 F: 819.821.8045

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