Watermark and User Notification

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Thu Jun 12 21:20:17 IST 2008

on 6-12-2008 1:10 PM Julian Field spake the following:
> Donnie D. Quindardo wrote:
>> - Configure MailScanner to notify users that their attachments have 
>> been  blocked.
>> - Configure MailScanner to use Watermarks and note that messages that 
>> have no sender and no watermark are spam.
>> - Send an e-mail through MailScanner with an attachment that is 
>> banned, perhaps "test.com".
>> - Look in the spam quarantine of MailScanner, the notification e-mail 
>> that is sent to the user is there. That's because it is sent with an 
>> envelope address of <> and does not get a MailScanner Signature 
>> beforehand.
> In which case you just need to use a ruleset to exempt mail from 
> from watermarking checks. Should I do this automatically in 
> the code, or are there situations in which this isn't the desired 
> behaviour?
> Jules
Does a ruleset on scan messages also cover this, or is watermarking outside 
that catch-all?

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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