Tag in subject, header present but score is 0

Julien Buratto julien.buratto at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 22:52:16 IST 2008

Quite strange, however since a while I started to get email's subject
changed to {Spam? X} where X can be 0 or negative values, headers in
the email show the Spam-Status: Yes but then there is no details about
any other tags.

Other emails which are "clean" are just clean, some others don't even
get it as the score is high ... so the point is that all those emails
with negative scores where "ok" emails for me... I don't know where to
double check this behavior as the mailscanner is running spamassassin.

I think that maybe one of the spamlists return negative values ...any hint ?

Julien Buratto

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