Variables that can be used in inline.warning.txt and .html reports

Alan Charlton Alan.Charlton at
Mon Jun 2 21:21:47 IST 2008

> ------------------------------
> Message: 20
> Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 21:24:53 -0400
> From: "Alan Charlton" <Alan.Charlton at>
> Subject: Variables that can be used in inline.warning.txt and .html
> 	reports
> To: <mailscanner at>
> Message-ID:
<5864E8A48D189F4999A1D1BAE3730516828AEB at queen.caseware.cwi.local>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
> We've been trying to use some variables in the inline.warning.txt/html
> files that don't seem to work.  Specifically $datenumber and $to.
> We'd like to be able to provide our users with a link to release 'bad
> content' or even 'virus' messages that they know are legitimate,
> to what's in the
> o=$to
> I know it's a little risky, but we're a software development company
> we often get attachments that get caught, and our users tend to be
> reasonably intelligent and cautious... and too impatient to submit a
> ticket to IT every time a file is caught.
> Also for proper backup and archiving we'd like all legitimate emails
> reach the end users' mailboxes...
> For more details on what we're trying to do check out:
> My searches for a solution turned up the following thread:
> 0.html
> ...Which seems to imply that these variables need to be specifically
> added to work in a given report.
> Is there any way we can add the variables ourselves?  Or do we need to
> request that they be added in a new release?
> Thanks,
> Alan
> ------------------------------

Bumping this up for another try... Does anyone know how to get
$datenumber and $to to work in the inline.warning.txt and .html reports?

Any help would be appreciated.


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