Attach blocking

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Jul 30 21:33:43 IST 2008

on 7-30-2008 12:53 PM Pedro Bordin Hoffmann - [M]orpheus spake the following:
> I have a problem that maybe is from config...
> I need some help with this,
> I have 5 users, 2 of then with the extension block of .doc files... they 
> can't recieve .doc files..
> But when I sent an e-mail  to that 5 people... it blocks for all.. not 
> just for the 2 that have the attachment block..
> How should I procede, I need that those 3 recieve the file. And block 
> only for those two..
> Thanks !!
You must split the incoming mail.
for postfix and
for sendmail

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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