MailScanner processes hang with no reason (to me) WORKED AROUND
alex at
Wed Jul 30 12:39:38 IST 2008
I think I finally found what was wrong
I had my /etc/MailScanner/rules as a NFS mountpoint to be able to share
the rules among multiple MS installations
To me the files into thi directory were only read during MS startup (or
restart) but it seems that MS hangs on some sort of locking problem.
I now use rsync and crond to move the rules on every MS gateway, but
wonder why it doesn't work with NFS.
Best regards
Alessandro Bianchi
*SkyNet SRL*
P.zza XXV Aprile 14 - 28021 Borgomanero (NO) - ITALY
Tel. +39 0322 836487/834765 - Fax.+39 0322.836608
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