Yum updates for Perl, just say no?

Gregg LainJr. gregg at mochabomb.com
Fri Jul 25 03:08:33 IST 2008

Just check to make sure the perl version bug from a couple weeks ago is fixed else you might break something. It was perl -V ginving out a too  specific version and that broke a lot of things - anyone else experience this?? 

-----Original Message-----
From:  Steve Mason
Date:  7/24/08 4:58 pm
To:  'MailScanner discussion'
Subj:  RE: Yum updates for Perl, just say no?

>What repos are you using? I have installed all the mailscanner
prerequisites from rpmforge, >and all is well here.

Using the standard base, plus atrpms and rpmforge.
Here's what came up:

 Package                 Arch       Version          Repository        Size 
 alsa-driver             i386       1.0.17-69.el5    atrpms            152 k
 alsa-kmdl-2.6.18-92.1.6.el5PAE  i686       1.0.17-69.el5    atrpms
1.3 M
 perl-Archive-Zip        noarch     1.16-1.2.1       base              138 k
 perl-Compress-Zlib      i386       1.42-1.fc6       base               52 k
 perl-Convert-BinHex     noarch     1.119-2.2.el5.rf  rpmforge            34
 perl-Convert-TNEF       noarch     0.17-3.2.el5.rf  rpmforge           18 k
 perl-DBD-SQLite         i386       1.14-1.el5.rf    rpmforge          762 k
 perl-Digest-SHA1        i386       2.11-1.2.1       base               48 k
 perl-File-Temp          noarch     0.20-1.el5.rf    rpmforge           46 k
 perl-Filesys-Df         i386       0.92-1.el5.rf    rpmforge           35 k
 perl-HTML-Tagset        noarch     3.10-2.1.1       base               15 k
 perl-IO                 i386       1.2301-1.el5.rf  rpmforge           99 k
 perl-IO-stringy         noarch     2.110-1.2.el5.rf  rpmforge            70
 perl-Math-BigInt        noarch     1.89-1.el5.rf    rpmforge          174 k
 perl-Math-BigRat        noarch     0.22-1.el5.rf    rpmforge           30 k
 perl-Net-CIDR           noarch     0.11-1.2.el5.rf  rpmforge           15 k
 perl-OLE-Storage_Lite   noarch     0.17-1.el5.rf    rpmforge           21 k
 perl-Pod-Escapes        noarch     1.04-1.2.el5.rf  rpmforge           15 k
 perl-Pod-Simple         noarch     3.05-1.el5.rf    rpmforge          218 k
 perl-Test-Pod           noarch     1.26-1.el5.rf    rpmforge           11 k
 perl-TimeDate           noarch     1:1.16-5.el5     base               32 k
 perl-bignum             noarch     0.23-1.el5.rf    rpmforge           40 k
 tnef                    i386       1.4.3-1.el5.rf   rpmforge           44 k

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