Timo Jacobs is out of the office.

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Mon Jul 21 17:56:25 IST 2008

on 7-20-2008 10:29 AM Mike Ellis spake the following:
> Gerard wrote:
>> Obviously, I do not live in a locality that requires in any form these
>> insidious 'disclaimers'; however, since it has now become a requirement
>> in certain areas of the world, might it not be a wise decision to allow
>> or at least request that a user only be allowed to post to this forum
>> from his/her personal email account? One that does not require this
>> 'disclaimer' nonsense. In my opinion, when someone is at their job,
>> they should not be investing company time on personal business anyway.
>> I know that belief is not universally embraced; however, as an employer
>> myself, I like to think that my employees are devoting at least a
>> majority of their time to company business. For the record, we do have
>> 'monitoring software' installed. Who would have known that women enjoy
>> 'porn' almost as much as men.
> What if someone is using MailScanner in a business environment and does 
> not have a private address?
> ME
If someone is using MailScanner in a business environment, and is not allowed 
to have an outside account, they "hopefully" are the e-mail admin, and should 
set themselves up with a second account just for lists WITHOUT an 
autoirritator, I mean autoresponder.

Secondary accounts are very useful to a mail admin for testing and such, and 
it is always good to have an address outside of your domain. The sysadmin 
needs to have some things that may not be allowed to the rest of the workforce.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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