Timo Jacobs is out of the office.

Gerard gerard at seibercom.net
Sun Jul 20 20:22:37 IST 2008

On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 18:29:32 +0100
Mike Ellis <mike at mellis.me.uk> wrote:


> What if someone is using MailScanner in a business environment and
> does not have a private address?

The obvious answer is that the user should obtain one. There are dozens
(literally) of free email accounts available if the user is does not
want to use his/her ISP's SMTP/POP services.

a) Yahoo
b) Hotmail
c) GMail

Just to list a few. In any case, unless the poster is also the system
administrator, why would they be posting regarding MailScanner on their
system anyway? Furthermore, I do not know of a single SA that does not
have a private email address; although, I guess it is theoretically

gerard at seibercom.net

You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.
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